More and more seniors are interested in tummy tucks, opting to reclaim a bit of their youth by undergoing plastic surgery procedures. From tummy tucks to face lifts, independent seniors are brushing aside concerns about their age and taking advantage of the opportunities available to them. And while many believe age is just a number, others worry this surge in plastic surgery for seniors could be dangerous. So…just how old is too old for cosmetic procedures? And how could these procedures impact your health if you’re a senior?
The good news is, age is not necessarily a contraindication to tummy tuck surgery, however, poor health is. If you are a healthy adult, and interested in tummy tuck surgery, meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Davis is of utmost importance. You will be assessed for any health risks you may have. The biggest risks to your health would be heart disease, diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and previous history of deep venous thrombosis.
Recovery After A Senior Tummy Tuck
Although tummy tuck surgery is safe for those of increasing age, there are things that can make recovery from the surgery a little difficult. As we age, the risk of complications with any surgery increases, and you should also expect a longer recovery period. The younger body heals itself far more quickly and efficiently than that of a 60 or 70-year-old.
Benefits Of A Tummy Tuck
The benefit of a tummy tuck for a senior is the removal of sagging tissue due to older age. The skin is naturally prone to sagging when age increases and the aim of abdominoplasty is to tighten up tissue.
Options And Choices For A Columbia, S.C. Tummy Tuck
Although seniors are at a slightly higher risk of complications due to their age, there are some options that are especially beneficial for the older adult. There are many different types of tummy tuck surgeries ranging from a full abdominal surgery, which requires significant aftercare – to a less invasive procedure. This less intrusive option is often called the “mini tummy tuck,” is an excellent option for people who are concerned about putting their bodies under the strain of major surgery.
A tummy tuck can be a wonderful decision and something that really helps you look great, feel great and ultimately brings satisfaction and happiness to most people. If you’re still interested in exploring your options, please call us today.
Contact Dr. Donen Davis
Dr. Donen Davis is a board certified plastic surgeon performing tummy tucks in Columbia, S.C. for all ages. Why not call Dr. Davis to arrange a private consultation? Your questions will be answered; you will meet his highly trained, professional staff and determine whether you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck.
Patients often speak of Dr. Davis’ unique focus and genuine concern for the needs of each individual. He and his staff are dedicated to nurturing each patient relationship with attentiveness and understanding, while also sharing excitement in attaining ones’ cosmetic surgery goals.
Call Dr. Davis at (803) 929-1901 to arrange your personal consultation